
August 6 - September 30, 2017

Does your body remember how to play?
Mabel Tan

Exhibition Dates: August 6, 2017 - September 30, 2017

Do you remember the first time you were at a playground, and wondered, exactly how does this work? Or, is this the right way of playing? Mabel Tan’s interactive installation Does your body remember how to play? positions play as a means of understanding environment, wherein ceramics evolve into vessels for active play. Straddling both humour and the absurd, clay becomes a gravitational force amidst performative negotiations of space and place.

Throughout the course of the exhibition, viewers are invited to engage in both imaginary and participatory interactions with the installation, creating new visceral exchanges between bodies and ceramics.

The exhibition will be open for Playtime on the following dates: August 9th from 12:00PM – 3:00PM, August 18th from 6:00PM – 9:00PM, and September 28th from 6:00PM – 7:00PM.

Mabel Tan

Mabel Anabelle Tan is a Calgary-based artist from the Island City of Singapore who graduated from the Alberta College of Art + Design in Ceramics. Her creative investigations involve aspects of humour, play, and spatial negotiation. In fall 2017 she will be participating in a ceramics residency in Medalta, Medicine Hat. When not involved in clay making, she is keeping it real (with other forms of clay) while overseeing the ACAD Community Garden, or digging at Archaeological excavations in Italy and Singapore.

TRUCK Contemporary Art
2009 10 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T3C 0K4
Open Hours
Thurs - Sat 11AM - 6PM
Sun - Wed: Closed
Holidays: Closed


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